Winter 2025
» Not just a winter problem anymore. Mice! [more]
» LADY BUGS! (asian ladybird beetles) When spring arrives, these little pests will be emerging from their winter nap. Lady bugs... [more]
» STINK BUGS! What's with these things? [more]
» CARPENTER BEES! In recent years, we've seen a major influx of carpenter bees in the northeast. As the weather gets warmer, pest control companies will be fielding calls daily... [more]
In recent years, we've seen a major influx of carpenter bees in the northeast. When the weather gets warmer, pest control companies will be fielding calls daily about these insects, usually being mis-identified as bumble bees. Carpenter bees somewhat resemble bumble bees, except bumble bees have dense yellow hairs on the abdomen and large pollen baskets on the hind legs. Various species of bumble bees and carpenter bees are similar in size. Bumble bees typically nest in the ground whereas carpenter bees nest in wood.
Carpenter bee damage to wood initially is minor, and carpenter bees seldom cause consequential structural damage. However, their repeated colonization of the same wood can eventually cause considerable wood damage. Carpenter bees nest in a wide range of softwoods and hardwoods, particularly if the wood is weathered. Eastern species of carpenter bees prefer softwoods such as cedar, redwood, cypress, pine, and fir. The bees can more easily tunnel through woods that are soft and that have a straight grain. Carpenter bees attack structural timbers and other wood products, including fence posts, utility poles, firewood, arbors, and lawn furniture. In buildings, carpenter bees nest in bare wood near roof eaves and gables, fascia boards, porch ceilings, decks, railings, siding, shingles, shutters, and other weathered wood (Figure 1). These bees avoid wood that is well painted or covered with bark.
The carpenter bee entrance hole in wood may not necessarily be in an exposed area. For example, the inner lip of fascia boards is a common site of attack. Except for the yellowish to brownish streaks of excrement and pollen on surfaces below entry holes (Figure 2), the damage would likely go unnoticed. Nail holes, exposed saw cuts, and unpainted wood are attractive sites for the bees to start their excavations.
» Prevention
Keep all exposed wood surfaces well painted with a polyurethane or oil-base paint to deter attack by carpenter bees. Periodically inspect painted surfaces, because the coatings will begin to deteriorate due to weathering, leaving exposed wood that the bees then can easily attack. Wood stains will not prevent damage. Consider using aluminum, asbestos, asphalt, vinyl siding, and similar non-wood materials that are not damaged by carpenter bees. Seal existing gallery entrance holes to discourage carpenter bees that are looking for potential nesting sites.
» Mechanical Measures
A non-insecticidal management approach is to deny carpenter bees access to their galleries by sealing each entrance hole. Thoroughly plug the hole with caulking compound, wood putty, or a wooden dowel affixed with wood glue. If possible, also fill the entire gallery system with a sealant. Carpenter bee galleries are a critical resource, since the bees spend much of their time inside a gallery, and they require its protective conditions to survive the winter. Bees that are trapped inside a caulked gallery typically will not chew out due to behavioral constraints. This barrier approach has promise for reducing future carpenter bee infestations.
In new nests, the single female often can be swatted and killed, or she can be captured and crushed or otherwise destroyed. Larvae and pupae can be killed by inserting a sturdy wire into the entrance hole and probing into the gallery as deeply as possible.
» Professional Treatment
As a preventive, pest control companies will apply an insecticide to wood in early spring before carpenter bees begin excavating nests. The insecticide kills the bees that contact it on the wood’s surface. Similar treatment will also knock down infestations after they have begun. We obtain excellent results against carpenter bees by spraying wood with pyrethroids (bifenthrin, cyfluthrin, deltamethrin, permethrin, etc.).
Insecticides that act as stomach poisons, such as borates, typically are ineffective against carpenter bees, which do not ingest the wood that they excavate.
It's Spring! |
Seeing black ants in the kitchen already? Are they coming in from outside when it's still only in the 40's and 50's? Click here to find out what's really going on.
STINK BUGS (and their relatives) |
"Help! I have stink bugs in my house!" Well, it might be a Stink Bug. Or it could be a Western Conifer Seed Bug. It could even be a Squash Bug. It doesn't really matter since they all present the same way and for the same reasons. So, here is some helpful information.
Adults enter homes and other buildings in the autumn when seeking sheltered sites to spend the winter. They do not bite people or pets but when disturbed the Stink Bug can produce a characteristic pungent acrid odor that many people find offensive. They do not reproduce or cause damage inside structures.The bugs can become a nuisance when they congregate in large numbers inside and outside of buildings, where they can startle people by flying around, bumping into walls, and landing on lamps, TVs, and computer screens. They are more likely to be in attics and upper stories than in basements or lower stories of buildings. Finding and sealing entry points is your best course of action. Pay particular attention to cracks and crevices around window and door trim, window-mounted air conditioners, exhaust fans and chimneys. Repair torn screens.
Live and dead bugs can be removed from buildings with a vacuum cleaner or shop vac, and the vacuum bag should be promptly removed and discarded. Because these bugs are attracted to light, turning on a single light in a room can allow them to be captured as they approach the light, using a jar or bottle. Trapped bugs can be disposed of by throwing them outside or by placing them in a sealed container in a trash can (Scott says, "You can always snag them in a Kleenex and flush them down the toilet. That's what most people do."). There is really not much an exterminator can do since using insecticides indoors will not stop aditional invasions, and exposure of humans and pets to pesticides should be avoided wherever possible.
LADY BUGS (Asian Ladybird Beetles) |
When spring arrives, these little pests will be emerging from their winter nap. Lady bugs are now overwintering in attics and walls will soon be looking for a way out. Drawn to heat and light, they are more likely to show up inside in a sunny window than to find their way outside. There is no professional remedy for this phenomenon. The vacuum cleaner is still your best tool for removing them. Those that successfully find their way back to their natural habitat will begin their normal biological processes and likely show up again in the fall.